Barbour Painting is a professional painting company servicing California’s bay area. We offer both residential and commercial interior and exterior painting services, making us your one-stop shop for professional painting.
Our team knows that a paint job can significantly affect a building’s value, curb appeal, appearance, and comfort. When you hire our experienced painting contractors, we’ll do much more than simply paint your space. We’ll also ensure your complete satisfaction throughout the process.
We offer professional color consultations to help you choose the best paint colors based on your design style, preferred atmosphere, and future needs. Then, we’ll use the industry’s most reliable methods to apply crisp, even coats of paint. We also use top-tier paints and materials to ensure a professional job from start to finish.
Whether you need your house’s exterior painted, want to transform your cabinets to a new hue, or would like us to paint specific rooms in your home or business, we can provide the custom paint projects necessary to achieve your vision.
At Barbour Painting, we go above and beyond to provide our clients with top-quality work. Our highly detailed team of professionals works hard to ensure an exceptional experience for our customers and prioritize customer satisfaction.
When you hire our Concord painting contractor, we will work directly with you and showcase transparency throughout the entire process. From the initial consultation to the project completion, we’ll invite your input, keep you informed, and ensure your satisfaction.
We take pride in our work and enjoy making our customers’ homes and businesses look their best. We also value our customer relationships, and we want to become your trusted painting company.
To exemplify our commitment to customers, we offer a five-year warranty on all our work. We proudly stand behind all our painting jobs.
We know that hiring contractors to perform any work in your home or business can sometimes feel stressful. But at Barbour Painting, we strive to make the painting process as easy and stress-free for customers as possible. One way we streamline the process is by connecting you with a project manager from start to finish.
Your project manager will keep you informed throughout the painting process, answer any questions you may have, and make sure your paint job sticks to your timeline.
We’ll begin by prepping the interior or exterior space by laying tarps in the surrounding area and moving furniture. Then we’ll clean the walls, patch any holes, and lay a coat of primer. Finally, we’ll apply our top-quality base coat in the color of your choice, using precise, even strokes to create a clean finish.
At Barbour Painting, we offer comprehensive painting services for residential and commercial customers. Our services include:
We’ll work with you to bring your painting dreams to life.
Barbour Painting specializes in making our customers happy! We truly value all of our customers and making sure they get quality work that looks great.