7 Fun Colors to Consider for Your Child’s Bedroom

Repainting your child’s bedroom can go a long way toward improving its look and feel. Additionally, according to Open Door, high-quality interior painting can provide a 107% return on investment. If you’re about to hire a painting company to upgrade your child’s room, it’s important that you choose the right color scheme for this highly personal space. Here are seven colors to consider asking painting contractors about.

1. Coral

Coral makes an ideal color for a child’s bedroom because it’s a bright shade with a fairly neutral tone. It’s the perfect way to add color to your child’s space without overwhelming their senses.

2. Red

Red is popular in many children’s bedrooms because it’s bright, attractive, and energetic. For additional appeal, you can integrate various cool shades as accents.

3. Dark Blue

Dark blue works well for just about any bedroom because it’s calming, and the darker tones add a cozy feel. This creates an ideal setting for your child to fall asleep in every night.

5. Pink

Pink isn’t just for nurseries anymore. This color can work well in multiple design schemes, making it an excellent option for younger children, teens, and any child who wants a bedroom that stands out from the rest of the home.

6. Gray

Gray is often viewed as a more mature color, but many children respond well to its use in their bedrooms. That’s because it’s a neutral tone that naturally soothes anxiety. Consider this color if you want to create a safe haven where your child can feel at ease.

7. Teal

Teal is an attractive and popular color that blends well with many bedroom designs. Children in particular often enjoy this color because it’s cheerful and easy on the eyes. You can also blend it with more vibrant shades to give your child’s room a bit more zest.

Different colors promote different moods, so it’s important to make the right choice when creating a pleasant, comfortable space for your child. An expert painting company can help you determine which option is the best for your child’s room. Contact Barbour Painting today to learn more about how we can assist you with this exciting interior painting project. We look forward to helping you transform your child’s space!